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Navigating the Impact of Global Events on Recruitment in Construction

#23: Navigating the Impact of Global Events on Recruitment in Construction

Read time: 4 minutes

Welcome to the 23rd issue of Punchline Memo!

Where each week we cut through the industry jargon to lay a solid foundation for your success. Today, we explore the cash paradox, highlighting the importance of balancing financial prudence with strategic investment.

We are excited to announce that Landmark Windows will be our highlight sponsor for next week's edition of Punchline. Landmark Windows specialises in high-quality, bespoke sash windows and doors. With a commitment to craftsmanship and customer satisfaction, tailored to meet the unique needs of every project. Their expertise ensures that every installation through their installation partners, not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of buildings but also provides superior performance and durability.

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Global events such as pandemics and economic recessions have far-reaching impacts on various sectors, with the construction industry being no exception. These events can significantly affect recruitment practices, workforce planning, and overall business strategies.

In this week's Punchline Memo, we dive into how these global events influence recruitment in construction, highlighting the importance of agile workforce planning, addressing remote onboarding challenges, and outlining strategies for recovery.

Agile Workforce Planning

One of the key lessons from recent global events is the need for agility in workforce planning. During the COVID-19 pandemic, construction companies had to rapidly adapt to changing circumstances, including lockdowns, supply chain disruptions, and fluctuating demand. Agile workforce planning involves being flexible and responsive to these changes, allowing businesses to scale their workforce up or down as needed.

For instance, during economic downturns, companies may need to reduce their workforce to cut costs. However, it's crucial to retain core competencies and skills within the organisation to ensure readiness for recovery. On the other hand, during periods of increased demand, such as post-recession recovery phases, businesses need to quickly ramp up recruitment to meet project timelines and client expectations.

Remote Onboarding Challenges

The shift to remote work during the pandemic brought unique challenges to the construction sector, particularly in terms of onboarding new employees. Traditionally, construction roles have required on-site presence, but remote working became a necessity during lockdowns. This transition highlighted several issues:

Training and Integration: New hires need to be effectively integrated into the team and trained in company processes and safety protocols. Remote onboarding can make this challenging, as hands-on training is often a critical component of construction work.

Technology Barriers: Not all employees may have access to the necessary technology or may not be tech-savvy, making remote onboarding a cumbersome process.

Engagement and Morale: Maintaining high levels of engagement and morale can be difficult when onboarding remotely. New employees may feel isolated and disconnected from the team, affecting their productivity and job satisfaction.

To address these challenges, companies have adopted various strategies, such as virtual training sessions, enhanced communication channels, and mentorship programmes to ensure new hires feel supported and integrated into the company culture.

Strategies for Recovery

As the world gradually recovers from the impacts of global events, construction companies must adopt robust strategies to rebuild and strengthen their workforce. Here are some effective strategies:

Upskilling and Reskilling: Investing in the development of current employees can help bridge skill gaps and prepare the workforce for future challenges. Upskilling initiatives can include training in new construction technologies, project management, and sustainability practices.

Flexible Work Models: Embracing flexible work models, such as hybrid working arrangements, can attract a broader talent pool and accommodate employees' changing needs. This approach also helps in retaining talent by offering a better work-life balance.

Proactive Recruitment: Building a pipeline of potential candidates can ensure that businesses are prepared to quickly fill roles as demand increases. This involves maintaining relationships with recruitment agencies, engaging with educational institutions, and leveraging social media platforms for talent acquisition.

Employee Wellbeing: Prioritising employee wellbeing is crucial for maintaining a productive and motivated workforce. Implementing wellness programmes, offering mental health support, and fostering a positive work environment can help in retaining top talent and reducing turnover rates.


Global events undoubtedly pose significant challenges to recruitment in the construction industry. However, by adopting agile workforce planning, addressing remote onboarding challenges, and implementing effective recovery strategies, construction companies can navigate these challenges successfully. As we move forward, the lessons learned from these experiences will continue to shape recruitment practices, ensuring that the industry remains resilient and adaptable in the face of future global events.

Stay tuned for more insights and practical strategies in our upcoming issues. Until then, keep building and keep thriving!

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Stay tuned for more insights, updates, and a dash of humour in our upcoming issues. Until then, keep noticing, keep learning, and keep building!